Tilihalme Oy – more preciseness with work orders

Tilihalme’s goal was to be more organized in their work.


Salla Saarinen works as a KHT-accountant, and she has been with the company founded by her father about 5 years. Tilihalme Oy, founded in 1987, employs 8 people and offers a wide variety of accounting and auditor services mainly around southwest Finland. There’s a generation switch on its way in this family business, and as a future entrepreneur, Salla has been active in developing the company’s processes. Salla got to know Koho though her collaboration partner. Through recommendations, Koho was acquired in August 2015.

Task management boosts precision

Koho has been used by Tilihalme’s whole personnel from day one. According to Salla, work orders have organized and brought precision to daily work. “Thanks to Koho, work is nowadays well organized. We don’t need to stress about remembering deadlines and other things, as Koho will remind us what to do and when. All the work gets done, and working in general has become more structured”, describes Salla.

From this kind of to-do lists it is possible for all the employees to see weekly tasks, which according to Salla has made, for example, planning work easier. You can check from one place that all the work truly is done. “Nowadays we often wonder aloud, how have we managed before Koho! It has clearly been a good decision to acquire Koho, and we have benefited from it both on an executive level, and in organizing our business as a whole”, tells Salla.

Worklists are helpful for holiday periods‘ fill-ins

When an employee enjoys their holiday, the fill-in can easily check from Koho’s work orders, what kind of tasks have been marked for the colleague. This helps to get rid of holiday introductions and individually-made task lists. “The employee can take time off from work without a care knowing that the tasks are done also when they’re absent”, states Salla.

Accuracy to sales invoicing

Alongside work orders, Tilihalme actively uses Koho’s time tracking feature, which works like a timecard. “We aim to clock all the work time used for clients as well as possible, thus improving the profitability of our efforts and making it easy to monitor our flextime.”

According to Salla, invoicing has become more effortless and accurate alongside Koho. The accountants log in hours used for each customer straight in Koho, which is always open on the background. When moving on to another customer task, the timer is switched to that specific customer record. “Thanks to Koho we no more need to hunt for the hours worked for a customer, and we can be sure that all the work will be invoiced”, tells Salla.

While all the reporting features of Koho are not yet actively used by Tilihalme, invoicing has also become more precise with Koho. Pricing of fixed-price contracts has become easy to follow and invoicing those is effortless. Contract information is easy to check when needed, as all the information is found in one place.

Forward in collaboration

“We have been especially happy with Koho’s service and fast response to all our questions. Also the deployment went well and the personnel took Koho quickly a part of their work. Our development ideas have been noted and responded to well”, states Salla.

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