The ERP is HM-Tilipalvelu’s most important tool

HM-Tilipalvelu brought their ERP system to date.


HM-Tilipalvelu Oy is an eight-person accounting firm operating at Malmi, focused on financial administration services especially for small and medium-sized companies. Koho was brought under their roof in October 2015, and quickly became a rooted tool.

Time tracking keeps track of billable hours

– Our work routines have been especially alleviated by Koho’s worklists. Our accountants can switch time tracking from one customer to another with just one click. With Koho’s timer we can see accurately, how much time a customer’s tasks take and is our invoicing on a proper level. There were a few cases where we noticed that the actual workload was higher than the estimate, which led us to agreeing a new rate with the customer. When the workload matches with the billable hours, our business is profitable and no free work is done, tells office manager Margit Toivonen.

According to Margit Toivonen, the transformation from what was before is significant, as work hours were checked from an actual clock – At the end of a workday or -week, work hours were wrapped up and put into an invoice. Tracking work hours could take several hours, and the accuracy was not on the same level as it is now. Nowadays Koho is always open, and there’s a minuscule amount of hours that are left untracked. Also customer calls can be easily clocked for the right company, leading to even the most surprising events being logged correctly, for a specific customer.

In HM-Tilipalvelu, both the accountant and the payroll clerk dealing with a certain customer can see the actions made for them. When the accountant logs the actions and hours accurately, the invoicing process and the payroll clerk’s work get easier. As all the work hours are always accurate, the invoice can be sent any time.

Reports and to-do lists are in active use at HM-Tilipalvelu

– With the help of the reports available in Koho, we can track not only time management and the profitability of services, but also our employee’s productivity and the time used for training. The yearly statistics made for the Association of Finnish Accounting Firms on customer accounts is nowadays easy to get from Koho and to send forward, tells Margit Toivonen.

Work orders are also in active use at HM-Tilipalvelut. – Task management is used e.g. as a reminder when a customer is yet to deliver a document, and thus the work cannot be completed. In tasks you can write notes to keep the rest of the team on track. This feature is also an excellent reminder for sending taxes. From work orders you can easily check, if an action has been taken.

Updating HM-Tilipalvelu’s systems

When Margit Toivonen first got to know Koho, she was convinced by the agility and user-friendliness of the software. Also the reporting feature seemed to be modern and enticing. As they ended up choosing Koho, they also switched up the invoicing software. Toivonen says that learning and synchronizing two systems simultaneously a bit tough at first, but the investment paid off. Nowadays many work phases are dealt with more effortlessly.

“Koho was immediately put to use for the whole personnel, which at first took a bit of time and effort from them. When all our customers’ information was finally transferred to Koho and using it already had become routine work, the operating costs have proven to be optimal. Even though learning a new system requires some extra work at first, it has to be said that we learnt it quite fast, and having it in continuous use helped”, describes Margit Toivonen.

– Also, any time there has been an issue, Koho has been quick to help; usually the problem has been resolved with one phone call! We have been happy with the fast response, rejoices Toivonen.

According to Margit’s experience, Koho would be suitable not only to accounting firms, but also for lawyer offices and other companies looking for an easy way to manage time tracking and invoice work hours.

– The monthly recurring invoicing is also working great, and this feature would serve well the real estate and property management sector, she states.

Would you like to have a look? Request a free demo!

Request a free demo and let Koho convince you. During the meeting we can go through your company’s sales and invoicing processes, and help you boost your sales and save up to 87% in invoicing with Koho. The demo gives you a better view on how Koho will help your company succeed.