Software company Compile chose user-friendly Koho
Koho’s ease of use defeated the competition
One of the partners of Compile Oy, Juha Heikkinen, heard of Koho a couple of years ago when they were doing research for a new time tracking system. Heikkinen got to know various providers, but remembers Koho differentiating from its competitors right away with its clear user interface.
- Here at Compile, we see Koho as an excellent choice. The user interface is very clear and straightforward, and we have gotten positive feedback on it from our personnel. Compared to competitors offering a wide range of integrations, Koho has been focusing on what matters and put the user first in the design. Koho is a simple and straightforward tool, which has brought our business evident economical benefit, states Heikkinen
Koho frees time for your important tasks
Koho has been developed to speed up processes and to free up work time, so that you can use your time to do the tasks that are most important for your business.
- We are using Koho’s time tracking and invoicing features, and both work brilliantly. Our personnel saves a significant amount of time using a tool that is fast and easy to use. For example, you can effortlessly put in your hours in the mobile app, which is quite popular among us, tells Heikkinen.
It’s a two-way road
The software industry is always changing and developing, and the efficiency of the collaboration is as important for both parties.
We see the support and further development of the software very important, and both work smoothly at Koho. Our wishes are heard without a hitch and Koho acts fast if there are any problems.
Heikkinen tells.
Fast and effortless onboarding
Compile took Koho into use a couple of years ago, when they were still a youngling. As the company grew intensely, so did the numbers of Koho users. By the end of 2019 there were approx. 50 people using Koho at Compile.
- The deployment of Koho went as planned, and we were using the software within a month. Koho set up training sessions which were supported by written material, tells Heikkinen.
- We meet up with Koho’s contact person regularly and go through our wishes for development. We can also always turn to Koho if there are any questions. We have only positive experiences dealing with wishes for development and fixing mistakes, states Heikkinen.
Compile Oy
Compile on kestävän ohjelmistokonsultoinnin ammattilaistalo, joka tarjoaa kestävää verkkopalveluiden, mobiilisovellusten ja web-sovellusten kehitystä. Compile syntyi halusta tehdä asiat paremmin. Tavoitteena on ollut luoda yrityskulttuuri, jossa otetaan aidosti omistajuus pitkäaikaisesta asiakastyytyväisyydestä. Asiakkuuksista ja projekteista vastaavana Juhan työ on taata Compilen ammattilaisille parhaat mahdolliset olosuhteet, työvälineet ja tuki, jotta he voivat antaa parastaan asiakkaille.
Compile is a professional company in software consulting, that offers sustainable development of online services, mobile apps, and web apps. Compile was born from the desire to do things better. The aim is to create a company culture where one truly takes ownership of long-term customer satisfaction. Juha is in charge of customer relationships and projects, and his responsibility is to guarantee Compile’s professionals the best circumstances, equipment and support possible, so that they can give their best to the customers.
Juha Heikkinen, Co-founder, partner
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