Comprehensive recource management tool

With Koho, managing personnel resources is both easy and thorough. The resource management tool allows you to view and balance your team’s workload from a single dashboard, ensuring the right professionals are placed in the right tasks.






Efficient resource management maximizes your team’s capacity

With Koho’s resource management tool, you can ensure the right people are in the right place at the right time. Resource planning can start as early as the quote stage, and you can schedule your team’s resources well into the future—even by area of expertise. Time budgets set for a project and its phases directly affect the workload of assigned employees, and you can also allocate hours on an individual level. A clear overview of workloads lets you quickly address both overstaffing and understaffing.

We’ve made resource management easy, because the process itself shouldn’t be a strain on your resources.

Workload calendar for effective resource planning

Kuormitus ja resursointi linkittyvät yhteen / Workload and resource management are closely linked

The goal of resource planning is to boost profitability while also fostering employee well-being. A key part of achieving this is comparing plans with actual results, which you can do visually using Koho’s workload calendar. Forecasts show how busy a person or team will be against overall working hour targets, while real-time data lets you see the current status at a glance.

The calendar uses color-coding to indicate whether someone’s workload is low, moderate, optimal, or excessive. You can instantly see who has the capacity to take on new tasks, helping you keep workloads balanced across your team.

You can easily filter the workload view not just by team, but also by specific skill sets. Assigning the right capabilities to a project or project phase is a breeze—all from the same view.

In Koho, resource planning can be done by individual employee, by project, or by client.

Benefits of Koho’s resource management tool:

Balance employee workloads
→ Improves employee well-being and productivity

Visualize your team’s workload far into the future
→ Easy-to-interpret data lets you quickly address any issues

Compare forecasts with actual workload
→ Gain better insight into trends and plan for busy periods in advance

View workloads by team and skill set
→ Effortlessly match the right capabilities to each project

Highly user-friendly tool
→ Simple resource planning promotes active, ongoing use

Kohon resursointityökalu / Koho's resource management tool

Would you like to have a look? Request a free demo!

Request a free demo and let Koho convince you. During the meeting we can go through your company’s sales and invoicing processes, and help you boost your sales and save up to 87% in invoicing with Koho. The demo gives you a better view on how Koho will help your company succeed.